Bottles on the octopus arms
Plastic bags in the jellyfish tentacles
in the Eel Toothbrush Garden
Bottles in the fabric covering the head of the octopus
Another powerful display that makes consumers think twice about purchasing a single use plastic bottle.
The mission for Beaches Go Green (BGG) is to get people thinking about the waste they produce and how it impacts the planet, particularly the consumption of single use plastic in our oceans. The BGG Octopus Garden boasts an octopus that is more than 100' wide made from single-use plastics.
This single-use plastic art installation was created by our wonderful BGG volunteers, working hundreds of hours with the support of Artistic Contractors and Republic Services.
Since education is such a large part of our mission, we invited local schools to express their take on the plastic pollution crisis by offering space within the Octopus Garden to display smaller art installations created by each school. Each exhibit is constructed from all recycled materials.
You can view more event photos here.

Alice B. Landrum Middle School created the orange lionfish.

Ponte Vedra High School created the shark.

PV Rawlings Elementary School created the sea turtle.

Ocean Palms Elementary School created the otter.
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