About Us
Beaches Go Green provides awareness and education around the waste that we produce and how it affects our planet – particularly single-use items and plastic pollution in our oceans. We aim to simplify complex environmental issues so that everyone can make sense of them and make changes in their own lives for the better of the planet.
We are your friends, neighbors, coworkers, favorite local businesses, and city employees that care about our planet. We live and work at the beach. Our beaches and oceans matter to us! We believe that if people know better, they will do better for the greater good.
Beaches Go Green engages our community with FREE environmental education in many forms. We offer monthly speaking engagements through our Be the Change series, PSAs, quarterly environmental themed Movies that Matter series with the North Florida Green Building Council (USGBCNFL). In addition, we have created MASSIVE single-use plastic awareness art installations like our Jellyfish Park and Octopus Garden at Deck the Chairs. We partner with local businesses and events to encourage less wasteful practices. We believe that every small change that we can inspire will add up to big things!
Our Mission
Beaches Go Green, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, aims to create awareness and education around the waste that we produce and how it impacts our planet. With a focus on single-use plastics and our oceans, we are encouraging people to take small steps to decrease their plastic consumption and overall waste. We believe that through awareness and education, people will make small changes in their lives that will add up to BIG changes for the planet.

2021 USGBC – Green Schools Award

2021 USGBC – Green Apple Award

2021 PVCC – Arts Education & Advocacy Award

2021 PVCC – Community Impact Award Nominee

2021 City of Jacksonville Beach Wave Maker’s Award

2020 Keep Jacksonville Beautiful Award

2020 City of Jacksonville – Neighborhood Golden Grabber Award

2020 PVCC – Arts Education & Advocacy Award Nominee

2020 Great Non-Profits Top Rated Non-Profit

2020 St John’s County – Outstanding Volunteer & Community Award (OPE)

2020 Guidestar Platinum Seal of Transparency

2020 The Folio 250 – 2nd Best Cause

2020 The Folio 250 – 2nd Best Community Activist (Kate)

2020 The Folio 250 – Best Environmental Activist (Anne Marie)

2020 The Folio 250 – 2nd Best Non-Profit Organization

2020 USGBC – Green Non-Profit of the Year

2020 USGBC – Peoples’ Choice Award

2020 USGBC – Green Hero (Anne Marie)

2019 A Chair Award – Sea Turtle Chair Creative Award

2019 Beaches Watch Give-Back Donation

2019 Deck the Chairs – Best in Show

2019 Folio Weekly Magazine – #1 Non-Profit

2019 JEPB – Environmental Achievement Award

2019 Void Magazine – #1 Non-Profit in the 904

2018 Deck the Chairs – Creative Appreciation
Contributions to the Community
2020 Contributions to the Community
- BBG Scholarships
- Beaches Habitat for Humanity
- Beaches Museum/Fletcher HS Reunion
- Beaches Town Center Agency
- Beaches Watch
- Deck the Chairs
- Fletcher Middle School
- Jacksonville Beach Elementary PTO
- Matanzas River Keeper’s Litter Gitter
- Nease High School
- Ponte Vedra Athletic Association
- SIRF (Service Industry Relief Fund)
Total amount contributed in 2020: $70,980.31
Give Back
What’s your legacy?
Give Green
Your contribution helps support our mission of spreading awareness and education.
Give Time
Volunteer time commitments vary and can be as much or as little as you desire.
Shop BGG
Every purchase funds education and awareness for your local community and beyond.